7up – 1.5 Ltr
1.5 Ltr
7 Up (stylized as 7up outside the U.S.) is a brand of lemon-lime-flavored non-caffeinated soft drink. The rights to the brand are held by Keurig Dr Pepper in the United States and by 7 Up international in the rest of the world.
₨ 1107up – 1.5 Ltr
₨ 110 -
7up – 2.25 Ltr
2.25 Ltr
7 Up (stylized as 7up outside the U.S.) is a brand of lemon-lime-flavored non-caffeinated soft drink. The rights to the brand are held by Keurig Dr Pepper in the United States and by 7 Up international in the rest of the world.
₨ 1507up – 2.25 Ltr
₨ 150 -
Adam’s Yogurt- Zeera Raita- Cup- 200 gm
200 gm
No powder, no chemicals, no additives, no preservatives must be refrigerated at 4°C.
₨ 55 -
Dalda – Banaspati Ghee – 1 kg
1 kg
Any ordinary banaspati brand contains up to 25% of these harmful Trans-fats; however Dalda using its International Technology and Expertise has reduced the amount of Trans-fats in its banaspati to less than 1%. This makes Dalda VTF Banaspati the healthiest banaspati available in Pakistan.
₨ 490 -
Dalda – Banaspati Ghee – 1 kg x 5 Carton
1 kg x 5 Carton
Any ordinary banaspati brand contains up to 25% of these harmful Trans-fats; however, Dalda using its International Technology and Expertise has reduced the amount of Trans-fats in its banaspati to less than 1%. This makes Dalda VTF Banaspati the healthiest banaspati available in Pakistan.
₨ 2,490 -
Dalda – Banaspati Ghee – 2.5 kg Tin
2.5 kg Tin
Any ordinary banaspati brand contains up to 25% of these harmful Trans-fats; however Dalda using its International Technology and Expertise has reduced the amount of Trans-fats in its banaspati to less than 1%. This makes Dalda VTF Banaspati the healthiest banaspati available in Pakistan.
₨ 1,300
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