Fruitien – Apple Nectar – 1 Ltr
1 Ltr
It lets the seekers of good things, honestly enjoy themselves with all things pure, giving them the taste and quality of the freshest and ripest fruit in every sip. Fruitien Apple Nectar Juice is prepared from the finest quality, farm fresh apple Fruitien apple juice is rich from vitamin C and many other nutrients.
₨ 190 -
Fruitien – Chaunsa Mango Nector – 1 Ltr
1 Ltr
Fruitien is all about our passion for fruits. It lets the seekers of good things, honestly enjoy themselves with all things pure, giving them the taste and quality of the freshest and ripest fruit in every sip. Fruitien Chaunsa Mango Nector delivers the finest, tastiest and the purest fruit filled experience to tickle your taste buds. Consistency in our quality and taste is religiously ensured by our stringent quality conscious mindset where even the slightest departure from global standards is not tolerated, from the fruits we use to the taste of product we so passionately make.
₨ 190 -
Fruitien – Guava Nectar – 1 Ltr
1 Ltr
Fruitien Guava Nector delivers the finest, tastiest and the purest fruit filled experience to tickle your taste buds. Citropak is the largest producer of different fruit concentrates, purees and specialized products in Pakistan.
₨ 190 -
Fruitien – Joy Peach – 200 ml
200 ml
Fruitien is all about our passion for fruits. It lets the seekers of good things, honestly enjoy themselves with all things pure, giving them the taste and quality of the freshest and ripest fruit in every sip. Fruitien delivers the finest, tastiest and the purest fruit filled experience to tickle your taste buds.
₨ 35 -
Fruitien – Orange Nector – 1 Ltr
1 Ltr
Fruitien is all about our passion for fruits. It lets the seekers of good things, honestly enjoy themselves with all things pure, giving them the taste and quality of the freshest and ripest fruit in every sip. Fruitien delivers the finest, tastiest and the purest fruit filled experience to tickle your taste buds.
₨ 200 -
Fruitien – Peach Nector – 1 Ltr
1 Ltr
Fruitien is all about our passion for fruits. It lets the seekers of good things, honestly enjoy themselves with all things pure, giving them the taste and quality of the freshest and ripest fruit in every sip. Fruitien delivers the finest, tastiest and the purest fruit filled experience to tickle your taste buds. Consistency in our quality and taste is religiously ensured by our stringent quality conscious mindset where even the slightest departure from global standards is not tolerated, from the fruits we use to the taste of product we so passionately make.
₨ 190 -
Fruitien – Pineapple Nectar – 1 Ltr
1 Ltr
The Pineapple Nectar is a Stunning Product of the Fruitien Drinks Collections. it’s contain a range of minerals, vitamins and bio-active compounds, such as phytochemicals, that are important for good health.
₨ 190 -
Fruitien – Pomegranate Nectar – 1 Ltr
1 Ltr
It lets the seekers of good things, honestly enjoy themselves with all things pure, giving them the taste and quality of the freshest and ripest fruit in every sip. Fruitien Pomegranate Nector delivers the finest, tastiest and the purest fruit filled experience to tickle your taste buds.
₨ 220 -
Fruitien – Red Grapes Nectar – 1 Ltr
1 Ltr
Add Fruitien Red Grape Juice to your breakfast, lunch or dinner, a wondrous glass of juice filled with nature’s bliss add all the more to our meals, don’t we all love juices for their essential goodness and sweetness too. Fruitien Red Grape Juice has various benefits, they equip us with minerals, vitamins, essential fatty acids, carbohydrates and proteins. Make Fruitien Red Grape Juice your daily part of diet and you will be surprised what it can do for you; increased energy, a shining complexion, improved immune system, stronger bones, reduced risk of disease and the list goes on. Fruitien Red Grape Juice contain no saturated fats or added sodium and can be helpful in lowering your cholesterol. They can flush toxins from your body, are good for your weight, heart, blood circulation and overall wellbeing.
₨ 190 -
Fruitien Joy – Mango – 1 Ltr
1 Ltr
Fruitien is all about our passion for fruits. It lets the seekers of good things, honestly enjoy themselves with all things pure, giving them the taste and quality of the freshest and ripest fruit in every sip. Fruitien delivers the finest, tastiest and the purest fruit filled experience to tickle your taste buds. Consistency in our quality and taste is religiously ensured by our stringent quality conscious mindset where even the slightest departure from global standards is not tolerated, from the fruits we use to the taste of product we so passionately make.
₨ 190 -
Fruitien Joy- Peach- Carton 200 ml x 6
200 ml x 6
Fruitien is all about our passion for fruits. It lets the seekers of good things, honestly enjoy themselves with all things pure, giving them the taste and quality of the freshest and ripest fruit in every sip. Fruitien delivers the finest, tastiest and the purest fruit filled experience to tickle your taste buds. Consistency in our quality and taste is religiously ensured by our stringent quality conscious mindset where even the slightest departure from global standards is not tolerated, from the fruits we use to the taste of product we so passionately make.
₨ 200 -
Fruitien- Nectar Apple- Carton 200 ml x 6
200 ml x 6
It lets the seekers of good things, honestly enjoy themselves with all things pure, giving them the taste and quality of the freshest and ripest fruit in every sip. Fruitien delivers the finest, tastiest and the purest fruit filled experience to tickle your taste buds.
₨ 200
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