Adam’s- Meethi Lassi (Sweet)- 225 ml
225 ml
Refreshing and tangy, sweet or salty, Lassi is a traditional drink made especially to help you beat the heat in scorching hot summers. Prepared from a mixture of milk and yoghurt, Lassi invigorates and refreshes you to keep you going through the day or lighten up a heavy meal.
Adam’s lassi made from fresh milk and yoghurt gives you the taste and flavour of traditional lassi. With absolutely no preservatives this lassi is meant to be consumed straight from the fridge. Adam’s lassi gives you the best of both milk and yoghurt with proteins and healthy probiotics.
₨ 35 -
Adam’s- Pasteurized Milk- 1 Ltr
1 Ltr
Milk is one of the most nutritious foods available to us. At Adam’s we recognize the challenge of providing our customers with pure and fresh milk. Our milk collection centers test the quality of milk to ensure that it is free from adulteration and bacteria.
₨ 100
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