Coroli- Corn Oil- 3 Ltr
3 Ltr
Our range includes the Coroli corn and Sunflower oils.Corn oil has little taste and a high smoke point therefore making it ideal for cooking and frying.Corn oils contain very little cholesterol and is a good source of essential fatty acids.Sunflower has a fine texture and is also good for cooking and salads.
₨ 2,500Coroli- Corn Oil- 3 Ltr
₨ 2,500 -
Coroli- Corn Oil- 750 ml
750 ml
Our range includes the Coroli corn and Sunflower oils.Corn oil has little taste and a high smoke point therefore making it ideal for cooking and frying.Corn oils contain very little cholesterol and is a good source of essential fatty acids.Sunflower has a fine texture and is also good for cooking and salads.
₨ 850Coroli- Corn Oil- 750 ml
₨ 850
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