Mezan – Olive Oil – 5 Ltr
5 Ltr
The only cooking oil that has come up with the ultimate power/Ultimate Strength of IMMUNITY BOOSTERS, Mezan Cooking Oil is enriched with the Natural Power of TOCOPHEROL which provides countless/numerous benefits to human body such as, Anti-Aging properties Vitalizing skin Developing strong resistance power to fight against diseases Enhancing immunity system and metabolism Protecting cells from damages Lowering cholesterol Reducing risk of heart diseases Reducing risk of blood pressure.
₨ 2,600Mezan – Olive Oil – 5 Ltr
₨ 2,600 -
Mezan – Olivia Oil Bottle – 5 Ltr
5 Ltr
The only cooking oil that has come up with the ultimate power/ultimate strength of immunity boosters, Mezan Cooking Oil is enriched with the natural power of TOCOPHEROL which provides countless/numerous benefits to human body such as, anti-aging properties vitalizing skin developing strong resistance power to fight against diseases Enhancing immunity system and metabolism protecting cells from damages lowering cholesterol reducing risk of heart diseases Reducing risk of blood pressure.
₨ 2,600
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