Astonish- car care -750 ml
750 ml
Astonish Car Care Spray And Shine, 750 ml. Car cleaning products do not need to be industrial strength or difficult to use to get great results.
₨ 390 -
Astonish- Kitchen Clean- 750 ml
750 ml
Our kitchen cleaner is that every day helping hand, the hero under the sink. Cutting through grease and kitchen grime with ease, leaving you time to take in the zesty lemon scent. And breathe.
₨ 375 -
Besoms (Jharoo)
To sweep, as with a besom. A brush of twigs for sweeping; a broom; anything which sweeps away or destroys.
₨ 300Besoms (Jharoo)
₨ 300 -
Carpet Cleaning- Dustpan and Brush- Long Handle- 1 Set
1 Set
Whisk-broom brush shape makes it easy to sweep from above and reach in corners. Soft, flexible lip covers the entire Dustpan width and conforms to surfaces for efficient cleaning Brush snaps into Dustpan for storage Sturdy construction for durability soft, comfortable and non-slip grip.
₨ 450 -
Fairy – Dishwashing Liquid – 433 ml
433 ml
Every drop of Fairy Washing Up Liquid provides the ultra long lasting cleaning power you expect for your washing up. Its concentrated formula cuts through grease instantly giving you brilliant clean dishes. No wonder Fairy Original Lemon is the gold standard of washing up liquids.
₨ 360 -
Fuller Microfiber Cleaning Brush
(Size: 10 x 15 x 10) Weight: 0.4 Kg
₨ 980 -
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