Adam’s- Yoghurt- Cup- 200 gm


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200 gm

Our natural yoghurt is set and packaged in containers allowing you to eat it straight out of the pack. The packaging makes it easy for you to enjoy our delicious yoghurt, whether you want to relish it with your meals or take it on the go.

Ingredients: Standardized Fresh Milk, Live Culture, Stabilizer, Sucrose

Must be refrigerated at 4°C


200 gm

Our natural yoghurt is set and packaged in containers allowing you to eat it straight out of the pack. The packaging makes it easy for you to enjoy our delicious yoghurt, whether you want to relish it with your meals or take it on the go.

Ingredients: Standardized Fresh Milk, Live Culture, Stabilizer, Sucrose

Must be refrigerated at 4°C


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